What is Erectile Dysfunction (ED) in Toledo OH?

Men's Health Toledo OH Pensive Man With Erectile Dysfunction

RejuvaWAVE® reverses ED with a 95% success rate!

Impotence sometimes referred to as erectile dysfunction (ED) is a man's inability to obtain and/or sustain an erection. Even while a single incident might not be cause for concern, repeated incidents might have a negative impact on the patient's physical and mental health. Furthermore, erection problems may be a symptom of a more serious condition that has to be treated right once, including diabetes or heart failure.

The consultants at Toledo Men's and Weight Loss Clinic can help if erectile dysfunction symptoms are troubling you or your spouse. Our experts will be pleased to speak with you and share their extensive experience in treating a variety of Erectile Dysfunction cases in Toledo OH. Make an appointment with us to learn more about ED and the available treatments.

What Leads to Erectile Dysfunction In Toledo OH?

The hormonal system, the vascular system (blood flow or circulation), the central and peripheral nerve systems, psychological and stress-related factors, local factors with the erection bodies or the penis itself, and other elements all play a role in an erection.

The nerve endings in the penis release chemicals in response to sexual stimulation, which sets off a chain of actions. The penile muscles, which are in charge of erection, relax as a result of these occurrences. These muscles control the amount of blood flow to the penis; as the muscles loosen, the blood flow increases and the erection solidifies. Several of the most typical ED causes include:

  • Limitation of blood flow (arteriosclerosis)
  • Antidepressants, penile scar tissue, low testosterone, and heart conditions
  • Hypertension
  • Obesity
  • Diabetes
  • Aging
  • Anxiety connected to sexual performance, stress, and depression
  • Issues with relationships

The frequency of erectile dysfunction

A significant portion of guys occasionally struggles to achieve an erection. According to a recent study by the Massachusetts Male Aging Study, erectile dysfunction affects roughly 52% of men at some point in their lives and becomes more common as people become older. By the time they are 40 years old, about 40% of men have ED; by the time they are 70, the percentage rises to 70%. One of the most common issues affecting persons between the ages of 40 and 70 is erectile dysfunction. In general, the likelihood of erectile dysfunction increases with age. However, several recent studies indicate that ed issues are now equally threatening young people.

How is Erectile Dysfunction Diagnosed?

Your doctor will go over the available treatments with you after conducting a physical examination, talking with you about your sexual history, and performing a Doppler ultrasound. Call us or make an appointment


By Appointment Only

14:00 - 18:00

14:00 - 18:00


14:00 - 18:00

By Appointment Only


Toledo Men's and Weight Loss Clinic

5660 Monroe St # 9
Sylvania, OH 43560

(567) 429-9381